NH Flight of the Eagle
ILR 243883
Isle Eagle x NH Domineaux
Female DOB 5/16/02
Flight is co-owned with Jim Larson
2011 ILR International Gathering of Friends
Advanced Performance Champion, Advanced Public Relations Champion, Advanced Pack Champion, Advanced Obstacle Champion, Adult Showmanship Champion & Pleasure Driving Champion
2004 SIF Best of Show Halter Female
ALSA Recognition of Merit in Halter
ALSA Performance Champion
ALSA Recognition of Merits in Obstacle, Pack & Public Relations
2008 ALSA Western Regional Grand Champion Performance Llama 2017, 2018 & 2019.
ILR SD Halter Lifetime Achievement
ILR UAP Halter Lifetime Achievement
ILR SD Halter Lifetime Achievement of Excellence
ILR SD Performance Lifetime Achievement Award
ILR SD Performance Lifetime Achievement Championship Award
ILR SD Performance Lifetime Achievement of Excellence
ILR UAP Performance Lifetime Achievement Certificate
ILR UAP Performance Lifetime Achievement of Excellence
ILR UAP Performance Lifetime Achievement Championship Award
Pet Partners Crisis Response Registered
*Flight is trained to drive and is a Pet Partners Therapy Llama Complex Registration with Niki. Niki does performance and an occasional halter class with her too!
Flight at the 2011 ILR Gathering of Friends-
1st place Adult Showmanship, Pleasure Driving, Advanced Obstacle, Advanced Public Relations & Advanced Pack. Advanced Performance Champion
Driving photo courtesy of Debbie Shellabarger
1st place Adult Showmanship, Pleasure Driving, Advanced Obstacle, Advanced Public Relations & Advanced Pack. Advanced Performance Champion
Driving photo courtesy of Debbie Shellabarger
Left- Western States Futurity Winner!
Right- 2011 ILR SD International Gathering of Friends
Right- 2011 ILR SD International Gathering of Friends
Left- Portland Rose Parade with Niki
Right- 2011 ILR SD International Gathering of Friends
Right- 2011 ILR SD International Gathering of Friends
Left- Marilynn & Flight at an ALS Meeting
Right- Flight & Camp Korey Camper!
Right- Flight & Camp Korey Camper!
Flight on a Christmas Day Visit 2014
How to describe our wonderful girl Flight......The llama with enough angel wings for a whole flock!
Flight was a perfect llama from the day she was born. Our close friend Marilynn raised her from one of her favorite females and the day Flight was born Marilynn was in love. From the beginning Flight exhibited the above average intelligence of her sire Isle Eagle. In her first training session she had mastered every obstacle on our farm and was ready to learn higher level ones. As we began showing Flight it became apparent that Flight had M's number and knew Marilynn wouldn't make her do things, so Niki began showing her as she had trained her anyhow. Within a few years Flight was winning nearly every show she was entered in and began training to drive. Flight is the closest thing to her sire that exists, making her one of Niki's favorite llamas!
In the Fall of 2008 Marilynn was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's Disease (also known as ALS) and began to struggle with her balance and other things that we all take for granted. Flight made the transition from walking with Marilynn, to walking with her behind her walker and then following her in a motorized chair. As Marilynn ended up in the hospital at one point, we had Flight tested and registered with Delta Society Pet Therapy (now Pet Partners) so she could visit Marilynn if she went in again. One of Marilynn's biggest delights was driving Flight in her llama cart when she could no longer walk. Flight also could be counted on to give Marilynn a big loving kiss whenever it was needed. To say Flight is special and intuitive, is an understatement.
Two days before Marilynn passed away, Flight went to her house and calmly sat in front of her wheelchair on the floor. Jim (Marilynn's husband) held Marilynn forward and Flight gave her repeated kisses. It was a magical moment prior to the passing of a wonderful woman.
One of Marilynn's last requests was for Niki to bring Flight to her funeral, take her to a national show (and win) and to keep her forever. This was our final gift from Marilynn......
Since then in Marilynn's memory, Flight has gone on to do hundreds of therapy visits at schools, nursing homes, kids camps, weddings and more. She has a kind heart that understands whatever population she visits. Flight has fans all over the country that have seen her work on TV, blogs, magazines and much more! You can follow her (and the other therapy llamas) on Facebook.
Anne Beall PhD has written a book on the human and animal bond and featured Flight in one of her chapters. It is called Heartfelt Connections and is available on Amazon.
Flight was a perfect llama from the day she was born. Our close friend Marilynn raised her from one of her favorite females and the day Flight was born Marilynn was in love. From the beginning Flight exhibited the above average intelligence of her sire Isle Eagle. In her first training session she had mastered every obstacle on our farm and was ready to learn higher level ones. As we began showing Flight it became apparent that Flight had M's number and knew Marilynn wouldn't make her do things, so Niki began showing her as she had trained her anyhow. Within a few years Flight was winning nearly every show she was entered in and began training to drive. Flight is the closest thing to her sire that exists, making her one of Niki's favorite llamas!
In the Fall of 2008 Marilynn was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's Disease (also known as ALS) and began to struggle with her balance and other things that we all take for granted. Flight made the transition from walking with Marilynn, to walking with her behind her walker and then following her in a motorized chair. As Marilynn ended up in the hospital at one point, we had Flight tested and registered with Delta Society Pet Therapy (now Pet Partners) so she could visit Marilynn if she went in again. One of Marilynn's biggest delights was driving Flight in her llama cart when she could no longer walk. Flight also could be counted on to give Marilynn a big loving kiss whenever it was needed. To say Flight is special and intuitive, is an understatement.
Two days before Marilynn passed away, Flight went to her house and calmly sat in front of her wheelchair on the floor. Jim (Marilynn's husband) held Marilynn forward and Flight gave her repeated kisses. It was a magical moment prior to the passing of a wonderful woman.
One of Marilynn's last requests was for Niki to bring Flight to her funeral, take her to a national show (and win) and to keep her forever. This was our final gift from Marilynn......
Since then in Marilynn's memory, Flight has gone on to do hundreds of therapy visits at schools, nursing homes, kids camps, weddings and more. She has a kind heart that understands whatever population she visits. Flight has fans all over the country that have seen her work on TV, blogs, magazines and much more! You can follow her (and the other therapy llamas) on Facebook.
Anne Beall PhD has written a book on the human and animal bond and featured Flight in one of her chapters. It is called Heartfelt Connections and is available on Amazon.
Show Results:
Hobo ALSA Show 2003
5th place (out of 29) Medium Wool Females
3 Halter Points Earned
Terry Duespohl
Rogue River ALSA Show 2003
6th place (out of 10 Medium Wool Females
0 Halter Points Earned
Gayle Woodsum
Virginia Christensen
Happy Daze ALSA Show 2003
2nd place (out of 11) Medium Wool Females
4 Halter Points Earned
Sandi Wilson
Lincoln County ALSA Show 2003
3rd place (out of 15) Medium Wool Females
3 Halter Points Earned
Hank Kaufman
Llama Affair ALSA Show 2003
1st place (out of 20) Medium Wool Females
6 Halter Points Earned
1st place Novice Public Relations
1st place Novice Obstacle
Novice Performance Champion
Hank Kaufman
1st place Novice Public Relations
2nd place Novice Obstacle
Novice Performance Champion
Gayle Woodsum
Skagit County 4-H Fair 2003
Blue and Grand Champion Intermediate Showman
Top Overall Showman for All Age Divisions Winning a Belt Buckle
Round Robin Competition Representative for Llama Division
Blues in Skills Handler, PR, Pack, Trail Obstacle and Costume
Shown by 4-H Member Kelsie Weese
Spokane Interstate Fair 2003
3rd place Light/Medium Wool Females
Part of 1st place Get of Sire
4th place Novice Public Relations
7th place Novice Obstacle
Marshall Basil Inman
Ag-Fest ALSA Show 2004
4th place Light/Medium Wool Females (out of 14)
4th place Light/ Medium Wool Females (out of 14)
4 Halter Points Earned
Lorraine Guyn & Linda Rodgers
Lincoln County ALSA Show 2004
4th place Medium Wool Females
2 Halter Points Earned
Linda Rodgers
LOWS Classic ALSA Show 2004
2nd place Light/Medium Wool Females
2md place Advanced Public Relations
2nd place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced Pack
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
1st place Produce of Dam
2nd place Get of Sire
Adrienne Hochee
1st place Light/Medium Wool Females
2md place Advanced Public Relations
2nd place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced Pack
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
Lora Crawford
Spokane Interstate ALSA Show 2004
1st place Light/Medium Wool Females
Grand Champion Heavy Wool Female
Best of Show Female All Divisions
1st place Get of Sire
Lavonna Fercho
Ellensburg Extra ALSA Show 2004
2nd place Medium Wool Females
Virginia Christensen
Ag-Fest ALSA Show 2005
2nd place Medium Wool Females
3rd place Medium Wool Females
2nd & 2nd place Advanced PR
3rd & 3rd Advanced Obstacle
2nd & 2nd Pack
Lorraine Guyn & Linda Hayes
Western States Futurity 2005
1st place Maturity Class Five Females ($700.00 Purse)
Alaine Beyers
Llamas On The Grass ALSA Show 2005
3rd place Medium Wool Females
Part of 1st place Get of Sire
Adrienne Hochee
A Llama Affaire ALSA Show 2005
2nd place Medium Wool Females
4th place Get of Sire
3rd place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced PR
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
Lora Crawford
2nd place Medium Wool Females
2nd place Get of Sire
3rd place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
3rd place Advanced PR
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
Danielle Wagner
Spokane Interstate Fair 2005
4th place Medium Wool Females
Part of 1st place Get of Sire
3rd place Open Obstacle
Lavonna Fercho
A Llama Affaire ALSA Show 2006
1st place Suri Wool Females
2nd place Get of Sire
3rd place Produce of Dam
2nd place Advanced Pack
2nd place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
Danielle Wagner
1st place Suri Wool Females
Reserve Grand Champion Suri Wool Female
2nd place Get of Sire
1st place Produce of Dam
2nd place Advanced Pack
2nd place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
Terry Duespohl
Spokane Interstate Fair ALSA Show 2006
1st place Suri Wool Females
Grand Champion Suri Wool Female
2nd place Produce of Dam
Danielle Wagner
Ellensburg Extra ALSA Show 2006
3rd place Medium Wool Females
Part of 3rd place Produce of Dam
5th place Advanced Pack
5th place Advanced PR
Beth Meyers
3rd place Medium Wool Females
Part of 2nd place Produce of Dam
2nd place Advanced Obstacle
4th place Advanced Pack
4th place Advanced PR
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
Lavonna Fercho
Grand Nationals ALSA Show 2006
8th place Medium Wool Females
5th place Advanced Obstacle
8th place Advanced Pack
9th place Advanced PR
Beth Meyers, Gayle Woodsum, David Allen, Toni Knie,
Adrienne Hochee, Darrell Anderson & Cathie Kindler
A Llama Affaire ALSA Show 2007
4th place Medium Wool Females
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Linda Rodgers
4th place Medium Wool Females
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Patti Fischer
COLA ALSA Show 2007
4th place Medium Wool Females
2nd place Advanced Pack
4th place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
Lora Crawford
3rd place Medium Wool Females
2nd place Advanced Pack
4th place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
Pam Jensen
Spokane Interstate Fair ALSA Show 2007
3rd place Medium Wool Females
3rd place Advanced Pack
3rd place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced PR
Margaret Ricci
Hobo ALSA Show 2008
1st place Medium Wool Females
3rd place Advanced Pack
3rd place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Pam Jensen/Kim Yates
1st place Medium Wool Females
1st place Advanced Pack
3rd place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Patty Morgan/Marann Baker
Versatility Champion (High Point Llama For the Whole Show)
Championship Challenge Cup Winner $250.00
COLA ALSA Show 2008
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Beth Meyers/Danielle Wagner
Spokane Interstate Fair 2008
1st place Medium Wool Females
Grand Champion Medium Wool Female
3rd place Advanced Pack
3rd place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
2nd place Obstacle and Pleasure Driving
Margaret Ricci
Oregon Flock & Fiber 2008
2nd place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Grand Champion Performance
Lavona Fercho
ALSA NW Regionals 2008
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Grand Champion Performance
Patti Fischer
Camelid Extravaganza ILR Show 2009
3rd place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced PR
2nd place Advanced Obstacle
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
Bob Woolbridge
A Llama Affaire ILR Show 2009
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
2ndplace Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Beth Meyers
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
2ndplace Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Terry Duesphol
COLA ALSA Show 2009
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Adrienne Hochee/Linda Hayes
Spokane Interstate Fair 2009
2nd place Medium Wool Females
4th place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
3rd place Advanced PR
2nd place Obstacle and Pleasure Driving
Adrienne Hochee
Camelid Extravaganza ILR Show 2010
3rd place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced PR
1st place Advanced Obstacle
Grand Advanced Performance
Maryan Baker
Jingle Bells Extravaganza 2010
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Tami Lash
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Jan Gordon
Spokane Interstate Fair 2010
1st place Medium Wool Females
2nd place Advanced Pack
2nd place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced PR
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
1st place Obstacle & Pleasure Driving
*Barb Harris
OFFF ILR Show 2010
2nd place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced PR
1st place Advanced Obstacle
Grand Advanced Performance
Pam Jensen
Jingle Bells Extravaganza 2011
3rd place Adult Light/Medium Wool Female
1st place Advanced Pack
2md place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced PR
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
Tami Lash
1st place Adult Light/Medium Wool Female
Reserve Grand Light/Medium Wool Female
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Adrienne Hochee
International Gathering of Friends Llama Show 2011
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
1st place Pleasure Driving
1st place Adult Showmanship
Grand Advanced Performance
Mike Haumschild & Judie Moser
Oregon Flock and Fiber Llama Show 2011
1st place Advanced Pack
2nd place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Adrienne Hochee
COLA ILR Show 2012
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Terry Duespohl
A Llama Affaire ILR Show 2012
2nd place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
3rd place Advanced PR (off course)
Reserve Grand Advanced Performance
Hank Kauffman
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced PR (off course)
Grand Advanced Performance
Patti Morgan
Spokane Interstate Fair 2012
2nd place Light/Medium Wool Females
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced PR
1st place Pleasure Driving
Grand Advanced Performance
Kim Yates
2nd place Light/Medium Wool Females
1st place Advanced Pack
2nd place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
1st place Pleasure Driving
Grand Advanced Performance
Johnna Edmunds
Oregon Flock and Fiber Llama Show 2012
3rd place Advanced Pack
3rd place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Barb Harris
COLA Llama Show 2013
2rd place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
2nd place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Phil Feiner
Jingle Bells Extravaganza 2013
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
2nd place Adult Light/Medium Wool Females
1st place Adult Showmanship
Vanessa Benagh
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
1st place Adult Light/Medium Wool Females
2nd place Adult Showmanship
Terry Duesphol
Oregon Flock and Fiber Llama Show 2013
1st place Advanced Pack
1st place Advanced Obstacle
1st place Advanced PR
Grand Advanced Performance
Vanessa Benaugh
ALSA Black & Blue Pasture Llama Show CO 2014
1st place Open Pack
2nd place Open Obstacle
2nd place Open PR
Grand Champion Open Performance
Mary Wickman
Cascade Llama Show 2015
1st place Advanced Pack
6th place Advanced Obstacle (off course)
2nd place Advanced PR
Sarah Nicholls
5/17/15 COLA Show (ILR), Prineville Or.-
2nd place Advanced Pack;
2nd place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Reserve Grand Champion Performance Llama
ILR Judge Vanessa Benagh
9/26/15 OFFF Show (ILR), Canby Or.-
2nd place Advanced Pack;
2nd place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Reserve Grand Champion Performance Llama
ILR Judge Terry Duesphol
6/12/16 Mt. Baker Fling Show (ILR), Bellingham Wa.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Sarah Nichols*
ALSA Black & Blue Pasture Llama Show CO 2016
1st place Masters Pack
1st place Masters Obstacle
1st place Masters PR
Grand Champion Masters Performance
Mary Wickman, Tor Sorenson & Adryce Mathisen
3/11/17 Mt. Baker Winter Fling Show (ILR), Bellingham Wa.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Heather Peterson*
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*UAP Judge Kate Otey*
5/20/17 COLA Show (ILR), Prineville Or.-
2nd place Advanced Pack;
2nd place Advanced Public Relations;
4th place Advanced Obstacle;
Reserve Grand Champion Performance Llama
ILR Judge Mike Haumschild
6/25/17 Mt. Baker Fling Show (ILR), Bellingham Wa.-
2nd place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Robert Wooldridge*
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*UAP Judge Kate Otey*
9/24/17 OFFF Show (ILR), Canby Or.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Eran McCarty*
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*ILR Judge DVM Joy Bishop-Forshey*
ILR-SD Western Regional Advanced Performance Grand Champion
6/24/18 Mt. Baker Fling Show (ILR), Bellingham Wa.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
2nd place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Margaret Drew*
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*UAP Judge Kirk Gresham*
7/21/18 Darrington Fling Show (ILR), Darrington Wa.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
Overall Highpoint Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Heather Peterson*
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
Overall Highpoint Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Sarah Nichols*
9/22/18 OFFF Show (ILR), Canby Or.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
2nd place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Terry Duesphol*
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
2nd place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Katie Mazac*
ILR-SD Western Regional Advanced Performance Grand Champion
5/18/19 COLA Show (ILR), Prineville Or.-
2nd place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
2nd place Advanced Obstacle;
Reserve Grand Champion Performance Llama
ILR Judge Elaine Brovant
6/23/19 Summer Fling Show (ILR), Longview Wa.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
1st place Adult Showmanship
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Margaret Drew*
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
1st place Adult Showmanship
Grand Champion Performance Llama
*UAP Judge Adrienne Lulay*
7/20/19 Darrington Fling Show (ILR), Darrington Wa.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
Overall Highpoint Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Heather Peterson*
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
Overall Highpoint Performance Llama
*ILR UAP Judge Kate Otey*
9/28/19 OFFF Show (ILR), Canby Or.-
2nd place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Advanced Performance Llama
1st place Adult Showmanship
*ILR Judge Tami Lash*
2nd place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Advanced Performance Llama
1st place Adult Showmanship
*ILR Judge Joy Bishop*
ILR-SD Western Championship Show Advanced Performance Champion
ILR-SD Western Championship Adult Showmanship Champion
5/25/21 COLA Show (ILR), Prineville Or.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
ILR Judge Steve Auld
6/27/21 Mt Baker Fling Show (ILR), Bellingham WA.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
UAP Judge Kate Otey
2nd place Advanced Pack;
2nd place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Reserve Grand Champion Performance Llama
ILR Judge Margaret Drew
Overall Highpoint Performance Llama
7/17/21 Darrington Fling Show (ILR), Darrington, WA.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
Overall Highpoint Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Margaret Drew*
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
Overall Highpoint Performance Llama
*ILR UAP Judge Jessie Munson*
3/26/22 March Llama Madness (ILR), Lafayette, IN
4th place Advanced Pack;
6th place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
*ILR Judge Mike Haumschild, Mary Jo Miller & Tricia Schenberger
5/15/22 COLA Show (ILR), Prineville Or.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
ILR-SD Western Championship Show Advanced Performance
ILR Judge Mike Haumschild
10/10/22 OFFF Show (ILR), Canby Or.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Advanced Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Maryan Baker*
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Advanced Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Wally Baker*
7/15/23 Darrington Fling Show (ILR/UAP), Darrington, WA.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
Overall Highpoint Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Jessie Munson*
2nd place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
2nd place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Performance Llama
Overall Highpoint Performance Llama
*ILR UAP Judge Kirk Gresham*
10/15/23 OFFF Show (ILR), Canby Or.-
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Advanced Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Margaret Drew*
1st place Advanced Pack;
1st place Advanced Public Relations;
1st place Advanced Obstacle;
Grand Champion Advanced Performance Llama
*ILR Judge Joy Bishop Forshey*